The  Reverie  Nexus  is  a  resource  sharing network  for   artists  who  are  having  a  hard time  achieving  their goals  due  to  issues  like, Manpower,  Funds,  discrimination,  expensive gear,  inexperience,  talent,  ect. 

Whatever  it  is, we want  to  help!

We   hope  to  create  the  perfect  environment for  creatives  to  make  their  Art,  and  help  others  make  theirs!

frequently asked questions

  • Simply Click on the “join” tab at the top of are website. fill out the questionnaire and wait to be contacted by on of are team.

    Once Contacted and welcomed in; we will assist you in any way we can!

  • No. Never.

    The Reverie Nexus is a community of up and coming artist who don’t always have the funds for expensive “exclusive memberships” for access to Casting, Performances, and Resources.

    For this reason we keep are memberships free and accessible for all Artist!

    The only thing asked for in return is for you to treat other members in the same way! We are all here because we want to create; not for profit!

  • Houses, or Production Houses are Groups, Bands, or Venues that have committed to joining and sharing resources to Reverie Members.

    They all have their own Projects and Productions, but will gain assistance from the Reverie Nexus While giving back to the rest of the community.

    If your group is interested in becoming a Reverie House please contact one of are team members from the Contact tab!

  • We are currently working on a method to streamline donations.

    In the mean time feel free to contact one of are team members under the “Contact Tab” or Check out are Blog for are weekly Charity Shout outs!